Abandonment Report
Identify Which Fields of Your Form Cause Abandonment.This report will indicate the most common fields that were last typed in before the visitor abandoned the form.
For fields that have a high percentage, you might consider removing the field or changing the label. For example, if you have two fields "First Name and Last Name," consider changing the form to just ask for "Name."

Time to Start Report
Identify How Long a Visitor is on a Page Before Filling Out Your Form.This report will show you how long, on average, it took to start each field.
This data, paired with Behavior Tagged Recordings, will give you a clearer picture of what visitors do while on this page before typing in the form.
You can then make decisions on what content might drive visitors to engage with the form faster and more frequently, which will lead to more conversions.

Field Time Report
Identify Which Fields of Your Form Take the Longest to Fill Out.This report will show you how long it took, on average, for a visitor to complete a field.
If you have a field that takes 4 times longer to fill out than any other field, you may want to consider removing it, making it optional, or changing the label.

Order Report
Identify the Order in Which Your Form is Actually Completed.The Order report will help you understand the average order in which visitors fill out your form.
Using the Order data, you will be able to see if Visitors fill out the form in the order you have it laid out, or in a different order. You can then rearrange your form to match the order to increase the ease of submission and increase conversions.

Repeated Fields Report
See the Fields That Were Amended the Most.The Repeat Fields report will show you which fields of your form are often repeated by the same visitor.
Fields with a high repeat percentage may indicate form validation errors or frequent confusion.